Thursday, October 6, 2011

Readings for October 11-October 13

We will be discussing the explorers on Tuesday, October 11th.  Refresh if you need to.  Also read John Smith in AEW (95-100) and, recommended (but not required) Montaigne's "On Cannibals" (55-60).  Explications due--please bring 2 copies to class with you.

On Wednesday, we will be discussing John Cotton and John Winthrop (101-106 and 107-118).

For Thursday, please read ALL of the William Bradford section (119-136).  I will also handout a chapter from Jay Parini's book Promised Land on Tuesday.  This section is about Bradford and is about 30 pages or so.  So make sure that you will be able to find time between Tuesday and Thursdays class to read it.

**Don't forget that you still have discussion questions due on Tuesday and Thursday as well.


  1. Are we meant to read Alexander Whitaker's part in EAW? You put John Cotton as 101-106 but he is only 101-103 and Alexander Whitaker is 104-106.

  2. Thanks for catching that. No--just John Cotton (this is why I give names AND page numbers!)
